Pet Nutrition

If your adult dog or cat is healthy, you may have chosen a pet food based simply on whether or not your pet will eat it. Cost may also play a factor in your decision. However, not all pet foods are equal. And feeding the right amount is not as simple as following the directions on the package (they’re just guidelines). Choosing an appropriate diet can set your pet on a path of lifelong good nutrition and help prevent many problems, including allergies, nutritional deficiencies, skin and coat disorders, and obesity. Nutritional requirements for dogs and cats vary depending on a variety of factors, including age, breed, and health. For instance, senior pets have different requirements than puppies or kittens, and animals with diabetes, kidney disease, and other health conditions can benefit from specific diets. Our veterinarians can help you make informed decisions about your pet’s diet. We can counsel you on which foods will be appropriate based on your pet’s needs and your financial considerations, how much to feed, and even how to decode pet food labels. We can create a nutrition plan for your pet, and we can also work with owners to help their overweight pets get down to a healthy weight. Call us to set up a nutrition consultation for you and your pet.

The Clinical Role of Nutrition for Your Pet

The goal of clinical nutrition is to give your pet the ideal and healthy lifestyle while simultaneously prolonging their life. Making the choice to feed your pet with a complete and balanced diet will provide nutritional support during their everyday lives as well as during critical illness. Contact our veterinary hospital for more details!
In order to optimize your pet’s health, we need to integrate clinical nutrition into the management of any medical or surgical procedure. Pet owners must receive the best and relevant nutritional information for their pets. Clinical nutrition is a knowledge that combines an understanding of nutrient metabolism, the disease process and the integration of day-to-day feeding for our patients.
Westway Animal Clinic Nutritional Services Include:
A Customized Weight Loss Plan
Weight loss plans are tailored to your pet and they will help maintain lean muscle mass as well as minimize negative behaviours. This is applicable for both dogs and cats. Studies have shown that dogs that maintain a lean body weight will live longer, healthier lives. The new Metabolic Diet from Hill’s Pet Nutrition works with each pet’s unique metabolic response. For example, some dogs can achieve 28% fat loss in TWO months without feeling hungry. Ask us about this new and truly exciting weight loss program.
Nutritional Counselling
We evaluate your pet’s current diet and recommend a diet based on the prevention and management of the specific to his or her medical conditions. We evaluate your pet’s current diet and recommend a diet based on their specific requirements and/or medical condition(s). There are preventive foods that help with controlling the build-up of plaque and tartar, minimizing the possibility of formation of crystals in cat urine and helping to minimize the risk of joint and kidney problems. Using a food as a preventive measure gives your pet the best chance at living a healthy life and is much more cost effective as you aim to avoid what can be costly problems down the road.